About Us


     We are DDoTToDD (pronunciation/sounds like [Dot] + [Todd])!  A small motivated company, specializing in unique, one of a kind designs for clothing and other goods. We have passion for creativity, humor, and a love to live life NOW! We have big dreams, and we're so glad you found us! Join us on this adventure, and EXPRESS yourself with our fun designs! 

Todd said,

     "I want people to smile, during these trying times. If my team and I can make designs that brings a smile to their face and others around them, then we did our job! Most of the designs will have a story behind them"! 

     You're probably wondering, what is this "DDoT". DDoT is the character on the "You don't know" shirts. The best way to explain this, is by indicating, DDoT is Todd’s alter-ego; hence the name DDoTToDD. Todd believes, we all have an inner DDoT, who guides us toward something we typically wouldn't do or say. Let's say our bad boy/girl/other side comes out (in a fun way)!! Sometimes the results are rewarding, and other times, an embarrassment for you, and possibly others around! For Todd, he created this DDoT character like Yin and Yang. Complete opposites! Todd is the straight laced work work work type of person with a passion for success, while DDoT is the free-spirit; let's go to Hawaii for the Month and drink Pina Coladas from coconut shells (Damn that sounds good right now)!

     Moving forward, our goal is to continue to grow our brand, our company, and our community! We want our products to work all 43-muscles in that face of yours to generate a smile and make the World a better place through happiness!

     Stop on by our DDoTToDDclothing Instagram and hit that follow button!! Once you purchase your item(s), DM us a pic of you wearing the awesome design or if it's not clothing, you holding the item. If we're selling an elephant, please don't attempt to hold it! Please stand next to it! We'll put the pic up as a post on DDoTToDDclothing Instagram!! 

DDoTToDD (Owner/Creator)